A Rag In The Tailpipe - Riley Mac
I was always online looking for girls to talk to.
I’d met Liz that way, on MySpace. She found me.
New Narrative Guts - Lazo Atado
I touch the flower. I imagine the roots touching his ashes, by proxy me touching him.
2 Poems - Wylie Thornquist
translated from the Spanish by the author recently, i have been reflecting on the form of the kernel
and the friction between yolk and white in the totalizing privacy of the shell
5 Poems - Gaius Valerius Catullus
translated from Latin by le wermo
nor with thorn, more like an agate in a hot tub. Our grapevines on the trellis would become sentient, if we didn’t wither them to wine.
Terror in the Middle East (1974) - Rodolfo Walsh
translated from the Spanish by Noah MazerArguing over methods is one way of evading discussion about the heart of the matter,
of replacing the why with the how.
Three Poems by Csongor Külina and Tamas Panitz
translated from Hungarian by Tamas Panitz
Before I could even begin, algae drifts… sand…
mountain dew… queer theory… (this sentence, whew…
Excerpts from “Zarpa” and “La Muerte del Amor” - Leónidas Lamborghini
translated from the Spanish by Alexis Almeida
he who is anchored and
doesn’t know
memory of the city - Mariam al Khateeb
I hang my sorrow/my fear/to dry/every morning/
to forget about them
Incest Play - Pearly Freedland
Set in the Great Lakes Region, in any town not on a lake—landlocked and rusting,
save for the lazy red river (St. Dupree)—and New York City.
Dream Share Hijack - Ulyses Razo At first it was perfect and there was nothing wrong.
I used the internet and loved it. Slowly my capacity for suffering increased.
J -Lou Renard
The enduring symbol of the O appears before her.
Something shimmery, a quivering spiderweb.
In my mind’s eye a woman holds herself above you on a bed
feeding you red sour straws
God Sized - Maya Martinez
There is no beginning or end to this scene, if they exist
they exist elsewhere. What is here is middle.
Two Poems - Ahmed Saleh
translated from Arabic by Ghassan Bardawil
You uttered me like the sea pronounces its dead waves.
Gunk - willow hour
I would lie her on her stomach, lazy and nice;
I’d play with the smooth strip of skin behind her cock
Violence and Brutality - Jean Genet
translated from French by Aiden Farrell Everyone knows these two words with more or less specificity:
trial and violence which hide a third—brutality.
Affidavid - Safi Alsebai
That’s what’s nice about everyone moving.
The Singular They Them Reason Why I'm Alive - Theo ThimoI never want to die, I’m so sad that
this could ever be taken away from me.
Four Poems - Miguel James
translated from the Spanish by E.R. Pulgar I appear with the moon and leave with her hug me like a
Sperm Bank - F. Tibiezas Dager
A 14-year-old religious guilt ridden fag trapped
Three Poems - Sergio Gorostiaga
translated from the Spanish by Nolan Perla-Wardi busied myself with the earth below my feet
and felt in my eyes the absence of things
ALL THIS STUFF LIFE IS MADE OF - Arthur KI search for a copy of YOUR HOUSE IS MINE, 1993 artist book
of street propaganda against the gentrification of the Lower East Side.
Four Pieces - Keith Carr Walsh
touch of mellow bliss. touch of melancholic ash. a crown in the sky
DUCK! - Willa Boudouir
It readily consents to game playing.
Two Poems - Osvaldo Lamborghini
translated from the Spanish by KM Cascia and Garrett PhelpsPubis and sphincter.
Daisies with no petals, litany
“Afterwards” - Mayah Lovell
complació mi clítoris hasta que me dolió
Magnetics - Smith MC